Russian Icons

Russian Icons


Ever need a reset, just a quick escape from the typical day? You’ve got to check out the Museum of Russian Icons. Galleries display layers of history that leave one inspired by a slice of Russian culture’s artful display of the human experience. From the icons themselves to the historic building located at the top of Central Park in Clinton, it is a wonderful place to check out.

Slice out an hour or more to wander around the museum. Soak in the saturation of color enveloped in surroundings that celebrate an intricate art driven from dedication and belief. It would be easy to enter, thinking it is only for those leaning toward religion and spirituality, as it is the most extensive collection of these icons outside of Russia.The icons are sacred images of holy people or events that follow the strict standards of the Orthodox church. While that is pretty niche, the magic is in the less obvious.


There is a transformative element about walking through the space. The seemingly eerie paintings revealing grief, love, servitude, and force conjure a variety of emotions for visitors. Perhaps it is the building itself that calls reflection, a renovated mill building now connected to a 150-year-old former courthouse. The original cells that once held criminals awaiting trial are now spaces for visitors to watch films on the painting process that goes into iconography. Is it possible that those who were waiting to hear their fate called out to the spirits whose inspiration adorns the walls of the present day?  

However, you choose to visit, alone or with a group, it is thought-provoking, saturated in beauty, and super refreshing. Another big bonus is that you can stock up on Kusmi tea and score real deal Matryoshka nesting dolls at their gift shop.


The Rundown:
Museum of Russian Icons
203 Union Street, Clinton
When: Tues - Fri 11-4 / First Thur 11-8 / Sat & Sun 11-5
ps: first Sunday of the month is free!
Follow: @russianicons

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