Joy Street Life + Home: a shop of delights

Joy Street Life + Home: a shop of delights

Sometimes the name of a shop gets it so right. Joy Street Life + Home in West Concord completely nailed it. If you are looking for a place to fill you up with delight, color, and outbursts of, "oh my goodness! Look at this!" then treat yourself to a little time at Joy Street.


Owner Jen McGonigle has curated the most wonderful selection of unique finds for everyone in your life. Muslin swaddle cloths with the most adorable prints, the coolest collection of hip pocket tools, fun solar powered night lights, or unique calendars are just a few tastes of the wide selection of goodies to be found.


There's even a wall with wheels of old school stickers and the most incredible collection of greeting cards around. Jen's been working on her shopkeeper magic since childhood, smiling as she remembers, "playing shopkeeper was the only thing I wanted to do."

This place is far more than just a shop with great gifts; it literally brightens the spirits of clientele from the minute they step inside.


We spent some time browsing, oohing and ahhing over the shop with Jen as our tour guide. She gave us the low-down on what would be great for folks on your shopping list this holiday season.

Fingerless Cashmere Mittens: Please and TY. These handmade upcycled glove in colors like candy, each with a one-of-a-kind applique would make any hands happy.


S’well Eats: Let’s face it, anything S’well is a go-to solid gift, and Joy Street has lots of it stocked, from champagne flutes to limited edition water canteens. But this new mastery, S’well Eats just may change people's lunch game forever.

Bring on the double takes at lunch.

Bring on the double takes at lunch.

Gourmet Items such as Seattle Chocolates, Runamok Maple Syrup, and Shortbread House of Edinburgh are treats on their own, with their wistful packaging. You can group them together for a deluxe gift basket.

Our Ultimate Favorite is the collection of Maileg mice and bunnies. These are 100% dream-quality toys that inspire back-to-basic playtime with a Scandinavian style.

Take a quick minute to soak this dollhouse in.

Take a quick minute to soak this dollhouse in.

The women at Joy Street are way in the know about what's hip with kids, so don't be shy to ask what's good with the youngins. They clued us in on Pop Cutie necklaces (adorable charms inspired by Japanese pop culture strung on colorful chains) and the Phone Disco Light (a portable disco ball that brings the party in a snap).

Make sure to take some time at Joy Street this holiday season (tbh: any season).


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